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Continuous process for partial freezing of a solution



Statut des brevets

French patent application FR0400044 filed on January 6th, 2004,




Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés – Environnement – Agroalimentaire, a CNRS laboratory (UMR 6144), in Nantes, France.



This invention describes a process for binary ice production to develop an innovative secondary refrigerant. Unlike existing systems, the present prototype does not use any mechanical moving pieces. It is composed of a modular element with 300 watts of power to produce a partially frozen secondary refrigerant. This specific heat exchanger is in contact with a primary refrigerant (compression unit) for refrigeration. Under suitable conditions, binary ice can be provided at a flow rate of 50 to 100 ml/min (from 3 to 6 litres/h for an element). Several modular elements can be used together for a binary ice production device with adaptable and unlimited power. The aim of this device is to continuously produce a secondary refrigerant (binary ice) made of a mixture of water and alcohol with a title between 5 and 15%. When partially frozen this refrigerant has an elevated refrigerating potential at a constant temperature which is a marked improvement to conventional secondary refrigerants.


This device associated with a fluid with an initial freezing point between -5 and -15°C can be used in air-conditioning and heat exchangers for the refrigeration of food in above freezing temperatures (storage chambers, retailing cabinet…).


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