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Process to reduce capacity loss during first cycle




SEI formation

Statut des brevets

Priority patent of invention n° FR1054804 filed in June 6th, 2010, entitled " Procédé pour l’élaboration d’une batterie au lithium ou sodium”


Michel ARMAND 
Jean-Marie TARASCON 
Stéphane LARUELLE 
Shanmukaraj DEVARAJ 

Statut commercial

Exclusive or non-exclusive license


Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides, (LRCS UMR6007) Amiens, France.



During the first cycling of a lithium-ion batterie, a solid electrolyte interface (SEI) is formed on the negative anode (graphite is the most used anode material).
The SEI formation protect the anode but one drawback is that lithium ion are used to form this SEI resulting in a loss of capacity for the battery. 


The invention relates to a composite electrode which includes a mixture of active material particles (AM) and particles constituted with a material generating an electronic co The invention proposes to use sacrificial salt that during the first cycle will be oxidized producing by this way alkali ion such as lithium. This lithium will then be used to form the SEI, avoiding or reducing the loss of capacity.
Salts are chosen in order to produce only gases as byproduct of oxidation. These gases will then be eliminated of the system. LIB are generally sealed after the first cycle to allow gases formed by the electrolyte reduction due to the formation of the SEI to be evacuated. 


  • Reduced loss due to SEI formation during first cycle.
  • Production of porosity in the cathode which favors fast cinetic.


Formation of LIB
For further information, please contact us (Ref 03402-01)

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