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Matériaux – Revêtements 07293-01
Matériaux – Revêtements 10581-01
Chimie 08758-01
Environnement et Energie 11107-01
Diagnostic médical 08504-01
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French patent application FR0951347 entitled » Nouvel agent antiviral » filed on March 04, 2009
Mikael ELIAS
Olivier ROHR
Christian SCHWARTZ
Exclusive or non exclusive licenses and collaborative research
Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (AFMB, UMR6098), Marseille, France.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom) pandemic is responsible of the death of an estimated 2,1 million people in 2007, inculing 330 000 children. In the same year, an estimated 33,2 million people worldwide lived with the HIV virus. At present, tritherapies including nucleosidic inhibitors (INTI like zidovudine (AZT)), non nucleosidic inhibitors (INNTI) and/or antiproteases (IP) allowed a notable decrease of the mortality caused by HIV virus’ infections. However, genotypes showing resistance against an antiviral are found in 80% of patients, and more worrying, 45,5% of viral populations are resistant to an association INTI/IP and 26% to an association of the three anti-VIH classes. Moreover, some side effects (lipoatrophies, lipodystrophies, hypertriglycidemy etc) appeared in 70% of patients. In this situation, it is necessary to explore other steps of HIV replicative cycle in order to develop an efficient treatment of AIDS.
The invention relates to the use of a composition containing a human plasmatic protein for the preparation of a new drug for the prevention or treatmentof diseases associated to viral infections, especially those caused by HIV1 or HIV2. This protein acts on a new target of the viral cycle and presents original performances of viral transcription inhibition with less supposed side effects. The invention also relates to a pharmaceutical composition and to an in vitro diagnosis method to asses the resistance to a viral infection in an biological sample.
In addition to causing less side effects in patients with absence of resistance profile, this new protein should presents many advantages: Immunologically: this molecule is from human, so immunological risks are reduced Efficiency: according to tests carried by researchers, low doses of this protein (dozens of nM) allow the inhibition of HIV Originality: up to date, the transcription of HIV has been less explored. This protein inhibits this step of viral cycle at two levels: interaction with a human transcription factor and with Tat viral protein.
Preparation of a new antiviral treatment, particularly against HIV viruses, and a treatment against inflammation associated diseases.
Santé / Thérapeutique, Diagnostic médical 06433-01
Santé / Thérapeutique, Autres technologies 01418-01
Santé / Thérapeutique 86445-01
Matériaux – Revêtements 07293-01
Matériaux – Revêtements 10581-01
Chimie 08758-01
Environnement et Energie 11107-01
Diagnostic médical 08504-01