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Mechanical properties intensification process of a plant fiber



Statut des brevets

Frenche patent application FR1055157 filed on June 28th, 2010 entitled « Procédé de renforcement des propriétés mécaniques d’une fibre végétale »


Vincent PLACET

Statut commercial

Research agreement, exclusive or non exclusive licenses


Franche-Comté Electronique Mécanique Thermique et Optique – Sciences et Technologies (FEMTO-ST, UMR 6174), Besançon, France,



In the context of challenging environmental issues and a global energy crisis, materials from biological origin are attracting increasing levels of research interest because of their numerous advantages. The natural fibers coming from annual plants present in particular numerous assets: renewable resource usage, abundant, low cost, biodegradability high specific mechanical properties…, justifying their use in composite applications. Composites reinforced with natural fibers are already used in the automotive and construction industries, a rapidly expanding market. Other applications requiring high mechanical performances are envisaged to completely value this plant-based resource. Naturally, the composites mechanical performances particularly depend on the properties of the fibers.


The invention concerns an intensification process of the mechanical properties of natural fibers in the longitudinal direction. The invention is focused on the fiber stiffering, i.e. the increase of the fiber Young’s modulus using a combination of concomitant mechanical and hygrothermal stresses. The process consists in the application of a periodic tensile mechanical stress on the fiber during a definite time with several variations of the environmental relative humidity surrounding the fiber. The Young’s modulus increase level can over-pass 350% according to the fiber specie. This thermo-hydro-mechanical treatment also induces a modification of the damping capacity of the fiber.


Intensification of the mechanical properties of a fiber without chemical treatment.


Automotive, aeronautic, construction manufacturing…

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